

Constituency information
Constituency Number
Parliamentary Constituency 01
Assembly Constituency 05


Assembly wise total Electors ( Draft Publication As on 30/10/2023)
sno Name of AC AC No. No. Of Polling Booth No. Of Male Electors No. Of Female Electors Third Gender Electors Total Electors
1 Akaltara 33 235 112735 109227 2 221964
2 Janjgir-Champa 34 220 107653 104631 13 212297
3 Sakti 35 82 41175 40066 1 81242
4 Jaijaipur 37 60 29715 28345 0 58060
5 Pamgarh 38 214 111679 108451 3 220133
Total 811 402957 390720 19 793696